It started out a little rough because the trails were not the easiest to see, but we finally got on the one we wanted and it was great. Besides being extremely hot, it was a perfect. No one else was out riding(probably not dumb enough to go during the middle of the day in the summer) The trail was challenging, but not too hard where you would have to get off and walk(only in a couple of places).
After going for a couple of hours, we come to a sign on how to get back. So we followed the sign and then after a little while the trail ended and we couldnt find where it picked back up.
So after much debate, we decided we would get on this dirt rode. Turned out not to be such a good choice. We rode for what seems like forever before we came up on something, it was the Cedar City Landfill, which is not even close to where we were trying to go. So we flagged down a car(keep in mind there are not many cars on this rode) and asked where Cedar was, he told us to just follow the rode and then turn left once we got to the main rode and follow that into town. Did he think we were on motorized bikes? So we followed the road. By this point our water was gone and there was nothing in sight. Finally we came to a sign that said cedar and pointed to the left. So we got on that road(which we had atleast heard of) and started towards Cedar. Neither of us had brought our cells phones so we couldnt call anyone to come and pick us up. Finally JD decided he would go ahead of me and ride all the way to our house and get the keys to my car(which I had left at the school Friday night)and meet me back at the school. So he rode ahead of me and finally I made it to the school to see him standing by my car. I rode up and he had gotten a flat tire not too far away from the school(so he obviously couldnt ride to our house). Thankfully I had remembered a friends phone number and found someone who would let me use their cell phone. So I called her and she came and picked me up, took me back to our house, brought me back to car and then JD and I went and picked up his car that was still at Three Peaks. Needless to say, it made for a long and tiring day!