Monday, July 14, 2008

Weekend Fun

Cedar in the summer always has a lot of fun things to do. There has been a Renaissance Fair going on in the Main Street Park since Wed. They have a lot of good food stands, and vendors selling things you never knew you needed. Some people really get into it and have jousting tournaments. It is really interetsing to see people who are so into in, and have all the attire to wear. Saturday, there was the July Jamboree. They closed off main street and had a lot of different vendors and food. July Jamboree is pretty much an exhibit where people from all over can bring their old cars and show them off. There were some classics and I'm sure it would be great if we were into cars or knew more about them.After walking around for a while to headed to Pizza Factory and ordered way too much food. We tend to do this so we have a lot of left overs and don't have to make any food for Sunday dinner!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I loved the "Past 2 years" section where you have a slide show of all the things that you have done. I've never seen a blog that had that. Very creative! I am very curious to find out the meaning of the title of your blog. We thought it was the flag from Italy behind Thor but Italy's stripes go vertical. Does it have something to do with backing through Europe next summer?